Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To Serve a Great God

This is a Blog post from Caleb! Caleb is an amazing man of God that I am proud to call my Friend! Caleb is a eagle scout in the boy scouts of america which is an extremely respectable title.So Here is To Serve a Great God By: Caleb.

What does it mean to serve our great God? in the summer of 2012 there was a leadership training course. the theme of he course was servant leadership. To describe servant leadership for you i went to wikipedia. "A servant leader has an aim of achieving authority rather than power. It involves demonstrating the characteristics of empathy, listening, stewardship, and commitment to personal growth towards others."

As the week came to an end the whole camp had a cook off. Two guys in one of the patrols found that every camp site had to be completely cleared out and they also came to the realization that theirs was the only one that wasn't. they told their patrol that they would be back and took the next hour to collect every pot, spoon, candy wrappers, and anything else that wasn't needed for the night. one of the two was very upset to find that they had to clean up everything for the benefit of the patrol. he said that if the others want their stuff picked up then they would have to do it themselves. The other merely said, "this is the definition of servant leadership. were doing one thing to help out our patrol and keep it running properly." The two of them took everything to the lodge were it would be stored. they never told the rest of the patrol about what they did until one of their patrol members said to the counselor "wait, we cant leave yet. we haven't cleaned up our camp site."one of the two spoke up and said "it's done, everything is taken care of."

This is how we, as Christians, we should serve our God. Everything that we do that advances and grows His Kingdom is a great thing in Gods eyes. A project isn't built or created by doing one giant thing. its done by doing all the little stuff required one at a time so its done as good as it can be. We do the little stuff that keeps everything up and running, even if it means that you might have to get on your hands and knees and use some elbow grease. or even if it means working overtime at work on a holiday. none of what we do or what we are asked to do is easy, but if we persevere and put our trust in God then our attitude turn from, "this is hard" to, "how will this expand Gods kingdom?" At that point some one usually doesn't care about the work, they just care that it's done to the best of their abilities. I challenge you to put your best in all that you do to glorify our Lord and Savior and expand His kingdom. This a big project; we all need to take a piece and do this the only way that it can be, together as a unity, as a church.

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