Monday, October 22, 2012

Setting the Stage

Being a senior in high-school I am naturally a leader in my school. I don't take this position lightly. Being in this position is an opportunity to be an influence in my peers life. My prayer is that this is a good influence. Another aspect of being a senior is the fact that I will not be there next year. This is why WE as Seniors need to set the stage for the underclassmen that will influence them in a way of moving forward. The time for change is NOW. You might be wondering "What does he mean by setting the stage". We, as seniors, need to be the beginning of change in our schools. If we could do the ground work for the future students of our schools we could change the future. We can create a student body on fire for Christ! Listen you have to get this! If we could Ignite a Fire in the student body we could change the world! We could create a church like in the book of Acts! The church in Acts was a powerful successful church that was not looked down upon. People came to this church to see the signs and wonder the Holy Spirt did through people. People Were Healed. People Were Raised From The Dead. Things Happened. I am sick of seeing a weak church that is filled broken people! That is not why Jesus Died On The Cross! Jesus Died for our sins SO THAT the HOLY SPIRT may DWELL IN US. We tend to overlook the Holy Spirit today. We know that he lives in us, but sadly thats where we tend to stop. When Jesus released his spirt on the cross the Veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. This was not a thin peace of fabric we are talking about here. The veil in the temple was 60 feet tall 30 feet wide and 4 inches thick. Look this is what kept the presence of God! Anyone who was not the high priest who passed this veil Died. Yes the high priest went in to the Holy of Holies where the Spirt of God was present he had to wear bells and they tied a rope to his ankle to pull out his caucus if he died. The Veil ripping was the sign of the Holy Spirt coming out for all to receive! Because we, through Christ's Death, are now looked upon as holy by God! That should be the best news you have ever heard! The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us! I can prove it too:

Romans 8:11

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

With the Spirit of God Living in US What Could EVER Stand in OUR WAY!

Wight the Dream and Make It Clear and Run With IT! (Habakkuk 2:2)

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