Sunday, December 2, 2012


When you hear the world "surrender" you think of a white flag going up sowing that you don't want to fight anymore. When one surrenders they loose. When an surrender occurs you take a chance, because a surrender can go one of two ways. The first way is that the opposing party will take the opportunity to use this surrender towards you total downfall. The second way is that the opposing party will have mercy on you. Sometimes we look at surrender as a dishonorable thing and we tend to avoid surrender in general. This is human nature. We want to win. We are selfish beings. Honestly we are all out to make the best of our own lives. Does that sound selfish? Going through life so that YOU can be happy/ successful. Is that not the definition of being selfish? Going after ones own desires and putting others second. We are selfish being because of our sin nature. We were born with it, because we are all human. Surrender. The thing you least want to do in any situation. Surrender. Making yourself lower. Surrender. The Only Way.

Surrender is not always a bad thing. I guess by now you are wondering where i am going this this whole surrender thing. Well here it is:

We Need To Surrender To GOD.

What does this look like? Well it looks like someone no longer living for themselves. It looks like someone looking at others first. It looks like peace. 

Many of us are looking for peace in our lives. We think we can find peace in success and other things of that nature but we are missing it. All of those things are worldly things. Yes we live in this world, but  we, as world changers, are not of this world. We march to the beat of a different drum! But many of us wonder how to reach this army. The only way to be not of this world is accepting Jesus Christ into your heart. By doing this you are surrendering yourself to Him. What more is left to be said? To me world changers we must surrender ourselves take up our cross and follow HIM.

Matthew 16:24
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples,  "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  

1 comment:

  1. Here is a cool song that I loved about "not of this world" back when your dad was a teen..... Love you, Granny
